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תמונה של מדרגות אדריכליות מודרניות עם שטיח דשא שצומח מתוכן

Our Initiatives

TNS Israel has been working to reduce food waste since 2013 and uniquely deals with the root of the problem - reducing waste at the source and promoting upstream solutions. TNS Israel guides businesses and organizations in broad moves to target food waste and works to promote policy in government forums with the aim of setting goals and promoting regulation to reduce food waste. TNS Israel initiated and runs Israel’s annual National Food Waste Week that has been commemorated since 2019 with the aim of raising awareness among the public and providing tools to change habits and reduce consumption.

The organization promotes broad change processes while harnessing a variety of stakeholders in the "Sustainability and Innovation Lab" model - which has focused on reducing food waste in Israel and strengthening the stability of the food chain.

אם הם מבזבזים אנחנו לא קונים! פקסום ליוזמת התמחור הדינאמי שלנו

35% of the volume of food production in Israel is thrown away every year. Dynamic pricing and discounting products as they near the expiration date in retail chains can save NIS 3.5 billion of food per year.

דוחות ופרסומים! מוזמנים לבוא לקרוא את הדוחות השונים שהוצאנו לאורך השנים

The organization publishes reports on burning environmental issues in order to bring to the public's attention the scope of the problem and the possible solutions, both at the policy and consumer levels.

מצמבזים? כולנו משנים! פרסום ליוזמת צמצום בזבוז מזון שלנו

1/3 of food is thrown into the trash without being used. This is a serious economic, environmental and social problem that requires addressing many factors. Let's learn what can be done.

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In 2019,TNS Israel initiated the national day to reduce food waste, which took place on March 12th  and was intended for the public. In 2020, the national day was expanded to a national week and is held in broad partnership with the private, public and civil society sectors.

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